I grow and supply most of the willows and poplars sold by Mount Pleasant Trees. see mountpleasanttrees.com website for latest prices. For larger orders you can buy direct from me if you prefer.
CRICKET BAT WILLOWS Very fast growing and potentially very profitable to grow for timber. Most attractive trees with narrow silvery leaves. Also ideal for quick screening. I supply The English Willow company based in Oxfordshire see their website www.englishwillow.co.uk for information about growing cricket bat willows.
We supply unrooted specially grown straight coppice shoots approx 7- 8ft long £6.50 each ; £35.00 per ten.£275.00 per hundred (we can also supply a number of other Willow and Poplar species in this way,) Larger sizes also available in some species. Also some in smaller sizes at cheaper prices ) eg. Willows : Red stem ; Yellow stem, Triandra, Pentandra, Purpurea, Alba ;Fragilis and Poplars : Nigra and hybrids, Lombardy ; TxT 32 (Balsam Spire) ;Robusta. See Mount Pleasant Trees website for full list of willow and poplar species available.
I can also supply some species of willows and poplars as enormous unrooted cuttings of some species up to 20 ft high. These normally grow very well and give instant scrrening. Please ask for availability and prices.
Willows we supply are also used for making woven living structures and basketmaking.