Special Sale Offers

Mistletoe growing on unrooted cuttings of Balsam Spire poplar, these cuttings averaging about 1 metre long are easy to root and the small Mistletoe sprigs can be expected to grow and probably spread within the tree as it grows. £10.00 each, 3 for £20.00 + VAT

Small hedging shrubs potted this winter for late planting of hedges or growing on, Hazel, Field maple, Hawthorn etc . £20.00 per 20 ( This is the minimum supplied at this price, otherwise £2.00 each) +VAT

Semi mature trees, some seconds, very large trees and some pollards. from £100.00 each, minimum 2 at this price. + VAT

Spindle (Euonymous europeaus) plants approx 3-4 ft high, chunky about 5 years old Ideal for a hedge. £35.00 per 10. plus VAT Also bigger sizes available.

Portugal Laurel Tall specimens up to about 2.5 metres high, not bushy therefore ideal for growing as trees. Special prices offered on ten or more. From £85.00 per ten depending on height. + VAT

Dec 10 2024



